Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Songuine Notes

This past week it's all been happening in the music room.

Have you ever had an Important Moment that crumbled into Disaster? My important moment was an exciting concert opportunity that went badly awry, and yet a royal triumph arose out of this disaster. You can read my story here: A PRINCESS MOMENT.

SONG OF THE CANS AND CANNOTS will help you discover 7 keys for making headway in the pursuit of your dream.

AUDITIONING FOR SUSAN BOYLE -- details at www.songuine.blogspot.com.

I've begun preparations for singing with Jules Riding at his next album debut which will be filmed live in Auckland, October 9th. Visit his website to book tickets for the album recording or find out more details about the national tour in November.

That being said, somehow I've got to set aside all this lovely musication and scribe that Queensland novelation. Novels need rather more slog than songs do!
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